Discount coupon
Exclusive codes that get you a cash or percentage discount, valid for a limited period of time. Can be used directly on the cart or during the checkout procedure.
When you use a code, the amount of the discount gets deducted from the discountable items in your cart. See how it works on our dedicated page.
At the moment SPECTRUM doesn't offer the possibility to purchase gift cards.
Newsletter coupons
A discount code of €10 that you get via email after signing up to our newsletter. It's a one-use code, with the same functionalities of the other codes. Didn't get the code when you signed up? Let's solve the problem together.
Promotional campaigns with already discounted items in the price list, such as Sale campaigns. No codes needed.
Golden Ticket
A printed discount code that comes with every SPECTRUM package. Percentage and time validity are clearly indicated on the ticket.