If you are having troubles with card payments, maybe your card is not enabled for online payments. Also remember to check if there is enough credit on the balance.
Anyhow, a quick check often solves the problem:
- Check if the information provided (card holder, expiry date, billing address...) is correct and corresponds to your card details.
- Make sure the security code, the three-digit number that's on the back of your card, has been typed correctly.
- Verify that your card is activated for online payments.
The 3D Secure safety protocol
To make online payments safer, several banks now require an additional step before authorizing payments. This further step is called 3D Secure and varies from one bank to another.
Here's how it works for the major cards:
- VISA has its own protection system, called "Verified by Visa". See how it works and choose whether to activate the system or not on this page.
- Mastercard has its own protection system, dubbed "SecureCode® Program". See how it works and choose whether to activate the system or not on this page.
- Postepay uses its own Web Security System. See how it works and choose whether to activate the system or not on this page.